Why Canadians should not pay down their mortgage!

Why Canadians should not pay down their mortgage!

I am a big saver – I love to pay down debt but fortunately, I only have one major debt (no student, car or other loans), just my mortgage that I am not going to pay more than the minimum payment. Here are four good reasons 

Why & How to Create an Emergency Fund

Why & How to Create an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is an essential part of every family’s financial plan, yet so many people don’t seem to have one set up. Wouldn’t it be nice if you no longer had to worry about what would happen if a financial emergency came up? That’s 

Top Factors That Affect the Cost of Automobile Insurance

Top Factors That Affect the Cost of Automobile Insurance

There’s no way around it — owning an automobile means carrying automobile insurance, unless you want to bear the full financial responsibility for any losses due to theft or accidents. That said, you have a certain amount of control over how much you have to 

3 Smart Credit Tips For College Students

3 Smart Credit Tips For College Students

As a college student you have the awesome opportunity (and advantage) to score a series of products and services at great rates if you build a good credit portfolio early on. Since most college students are 25 and under, there’s an excellent chance you have 

Simple tips to boost your credit score

Simple tips to boost your credit score

Being refused for a credit card application can be a frustrating experience and it’s most likely your credit rating is behind it. A low score can be caused by everything from previous missed payments to having a lack of credit history. The latter can be confusing for 

5 signs the house you bought was flipped

5 signs the house you bought was flipped

For any new readers that do not know, I live in Victoria, BC (home of flipping houses). Now, you maybe saying why is there a photo of a pig with lipstick on it? Have you heard the expression, “Lipstick on a pig”. This is a very common 

Saving for your children’s future

Saving for your children’s future

There are many things that parents worry about – their child’s first day at big school or their first trip to the hospital, but in this day and age there are far more worrying problems that loom. There is no denying that house prices have 

Is using a credit card necessary?

Is using a credit card necessary?

After a college graduation you probably knew things were supposed to be more challenging, than they were before. Becoming an independent person, who solves problems on his own, is a huge step into an adult life. Finding a good well-paid job and renting a place to live 

How the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) works

How the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) works

The Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) allows you to withdraw amounts from your RRSPs to finance full-time training or education for you or your spouse or common-law partner. You cannot participate in the LLP to finance your children’s training or education, or the training or education of your 

Money Saving Guide for University Students

Money Saving Guide for University Students

When I hear people say, “I’m still paying off my student loan,” years after they graduate and well into their 30’s I suddenly feel lucky to know that I didn’t take the route. Finances are hard as it is when you’re a young family the