5 Simple Ways That Personal Loans Help You

5 Simple Ways That Personal Loans Help You

Personal loans come in handy for all sorts of purposes. They can make things simpler and even help position you so that it’s easier to get another loan in the future. Would looking into the options for MagicalCredit personal loans help you with some kind of financial 

5 Measures You Can Take Now to Help Your Credit

5 Measures You Can Take Now to Help Your Credit

Achieving your financial and other life goals, like owning a house, acquiring a car, expanding your business, or even furthering your studies in college, are highly dependent on having a good credit score. Lenders use your credit score to predict your creditworthiness and how responsible 

4 Ways to Improve your Credit Score in Canada

4 Ways to Improve your Credit Score in Canada

Financing options are quite wonderful indeed, with the advent of credit loaning, it has enabled people to be able to afford something they otherwise wouldn’t be able to. However, it’s doesn’t take much to garner a bad reputation amongst loaners, i.e. have a bad credit 

Young Professional Personal Finance Tips

Young Professional Personal Finance Tips

As young professionals enter the workforce, many might be financially clueless when it comes to saving money and preparing for the future.  A new job offers endless opportunities from selecting RRSP options to tax withholding. To help young professionals get started, here are a few 

Why Term Life Insurance is the Best Choice for Many Individuals

Why Term Life Insurance is the Best Choice for Many Individuals

Most individuals will come across a time in their life when obtaining life insurance is a good choice, such as getting married or having a child. There are always uncertainties as it pertains to the future, and insuring against those uncertainties is one of the best gifts that 

Why RRSP contributions are low in 2012?

Why RRSP contributions are low in 2012?

Contributions to registered retirement savings plans in Canada are on track to shrink to a share of personal disposable income not seen since the 1970s, according to a report released by the Royal Bank of Canada.[/quote] Well, my thoughts are that RRSP contributions come from Canadian’s disposable 

Why Outsourcing to a Bookkeeper is a Good Idea

Why Outsourcing to a Bookkeeper is a Good Idea

When you run a small business in Calgary or anywhere in Canada, it really is essential that you maintain a good set of books which are regularly and contemporaneously up-to-date. The tax man will not be pleased with records that were tossed together at the 

What Do You Need to Insure For Your Condo?

What Do You Need to Insure For Your Condo?

Do you currently own a condo? Insuring your condo can be quite confusing at times. We all know that house insurance is made to cover the entire property, and if you rent, renters insurance covers various things within your unit like furniture, jewelry, and other 

What You Need to Consider When Buying Life Insurance

What You Need to Consider When Buying Life Insurance

Life insurance is an essential component of nearly all financial plans. Having this coverage in place can help to protect income, and to keep assets in place – where they belong – in case of the unexpected. Yet, prior to purchasing a policy, it is 

Why are Canadian Consumers Opting for Long Term Car Loans?

Why are Canadian Consumers Opting for Long Term Car Loans?

With personal debt levels for the average Canadian consumers reaching some of their highest levels in the last 10 years, recent trends have shown an increase in long-term car loans, given the allure of lower monthly payments. New mortgage rules in Canada have increase debt