Month: January 2024

Why Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin is a scam

Why Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin is a scam

Crypto Technology The technology behind cryptocurrency (bitcoin being one flavour of cryptocurrency) is actually very sound. It’s based on technology called blockchain which is basically a distributed ledger. Recordkeeping and transactions are kept all over the place and it’s virtually impossible to hack or corrupt. 

Education, RESP’s and Insurance

Education, RESP’s and Insurance

The cost of education in Canada is a lot lower than in many other places. Nevertheless, the cost can still be prohibitive for many people. Even with government grants and loans, some forethought and planning are required for most people to ensure their kids can 

Canadian Personal Finance Links

Canadian Personal Finance Links

In years past, all the bloggers were big on sharing links. Links to interesting articles, links to other blog, links to anything interesting. Curated lists of links were a common, often weekly post. That seems to have died down through the years, but I think it’s something we should revive.

So, without further ado, here’s a starting list of interesting and useful Canadian personal finance websites.


  • Million Dollar Journey – one of the bigger old school bloggers, a Canadian documents his progress to save a million dollars. He’s far exceeded that goal now, but still an interesting read.
  • My Own Advisor – Mark Seed, an Ottawaian (I guess that’s not a real word) who talks about investing using a dividend strategy.


  • Reddit’s Personal Finance Canada sub – Very active, lots of stuff going on. Can be toxic at times, and you can absolutely receive bad advice here (people will post incorrect stuff as if it were a fact). Still, an interesting read to see the news and what’s going on.
  • Financial Wisdom Forum – also can be a bit toxic at times, and take everything with a grain of salt.

Financial Professionals

  • Canadian Couch Potato – Dan Bortolotti is a former Globe and Mail journalist turned high net worth financial advisor. On his blog he discussed investing for the rest of us.
  • Money Coaches Canada – Canadian money coaches, flat fee not for investing, but to help you get your budgeting, finances, and savings under control.
  • The Term Guy – Canadian life insurance broker focused on term life insurance. Their website includes online life insurance quotes from about a dozen Canadian life insurance companies.

I’ll add more links as they come to me.

Welcome back!

Welcome back!

CPF has been somewhat dormant lately, but we’re back and hopefully better than ever. We’re the new administrators and we have some big plans for the website. New, current, more analytical and detailed content. More frequent articles featuring grass roots Canadian personal finance content. We’re